1. Offer not valid in conjunction with any other offers.
  2. Customer must add 3 items to their cart. The lowest priced item of the Buy 2 get 1 free offer will be the free item. Applied at the checkout.
  3. Cannot be exchanged for cash.
  4. This offer is only valid until 22 November 2021 midnight GMT
  5. If a customer wishes to return any of the items within the buy 2 get 1 free offer for refund they must also return the free item, unless exchanging sizes.
  6. The customer may also exchange the item for a different style item of same or lesser value, if they would like to swap for an item of higher value, then they will just be required to pay the difference in the full price cost.
  7. Plant Faced Clothing reserve the right to cancel this promotion at any time without prior notice.